Monthly Archives: July 2013


Following our direct action in Kilwinning on 1 July when we forced a meeting with Margaret Burgess MSP, Housing Minister for the Scottish Government, she agreed at tbat tjme to ask her officials to look at the substantive issue of GHA factored homeowners paying thousands of Pounds for overcladding while other factored homeowners are getting the same work done for free or for a nominal sum.

True to her word, one of Mrs Burgess’ senior officials has sent me an e-mail agreeing to a meeting on the above issue.  When we get a date for said meeting we will inform you of this, and the outcome of the meeting.

We will win the day in getting your bills for overcladding refunded to you.

Sean Clerkin, Chairperson



A local GHA factored homeowner, who lives at Hillpark Drive on Glasgow’s South Side, was taken to court to pay £875.03 for lift renewal.  The said homeowner won her case by stating that her Deeds of Condition showed clearly that the lift was not part of her common area.  On this basis, the Sheriff ruled in her favour and the case was dismissed.  It is clear from this that factored homeowners have got to stand up to the Glasgow Housing Association and, if they do so, they can win.

Ann Shepherd, a GHA factored homeowner, challenged GHA Ltd. at the Homeowners’ Housing Panel, demanding that her management fee be broken down so that she knew what she was paying for.  This would include the rate of profit GHA Management Ltd. were making from her management fee.  However, after a gallant fight, the Homeowners’  Housing Panel (appointed by the Scottish Government, who are over-friendly with GHA), ruled that GHA Management Ltd. did not need to give a financial breakdown of the management fee.  This is scandalous in that this Panel is seeking to protect the vested interests of GHA at the expense of the 24,500 working class factored homeowners.

The next meeting of the Glasgow Homeowners’ Campaign will take place on Thursday 29 August at 7 p.m. at the Jury Inn Hotel, Jamaica Street, Glasgow.  It is very important that all factored homeowners attend this meeting, as we will be continuing our campaign to fight for justice for Glasgow homeowners in relation to demanding a retrospective refund for all overcladding work carried out by GHA Ltd., as now many other factored homeowners outwith GHA Ltd. are getting the same work done for nothing or for a nominal sum.  The agenda for this meeting will be as follows:

1)      Information update on meeting with Margaret Burgess, Scottish Government Housing Minister;

2)      Future campaign strategy;

3)      Any other competent business relating to housing matters.


Fifty factored homeowners invaded Margaret Burgess’ MSP Surgery in Kilwinning on Monday 1 July, forcing her to engage in a meeting with said homeowners.  The homeowners robustly stated that they wanted retrospective refunds in relation to the large sums they have paid out for overcladding when other homeowners in their neighbourhood are getting the same work done for free or for a small nominal sum.  Margaret Burgess, Housing Minister, was initially very defensive, not wanting to listen, but in the end did listen to the demands of the GHA factored homeowners.  She said that she would discuss the issue with her officials and communicate back to us.  We asked for a further meeting with her, but she was non-committal.  It is clear that there is now a full homeowners rebellion and that GHA and the Scottish Government will have to address the demands of the factored homeowners.

If you are a GHA factored homeowner, you should be demanding a full retrospective refund on the overcladding work carried out.  If you want to campaign alongside us, then come to our next meeting on Thursday 29 August at Jury Inn Hotel, Jamaica Street, Glasgow, at 7 p.m.  In the meantime, if you want to make contact, then please contact Sean Clerkin on 07948-010959.