Monthly Archives: September 2012


On Tuesday 4 September a group of factored homeowners from this Campaign went to the Public Consultation Event in relation to the Glasgow Factoring Commission at the Royal International Concert Hall.  Sean Clerkin, Chairperson of the Glasgow Homeowners’ Campaign interrupted proceedings and made a 25-minute speech stating that there was not a single factored homeowner on the Board of the Factoring Commission which was instead overloaded with factors or their representatives.  It is clear that the Factoring Commission has been set up to support the interests of factors alone and not the factored homeowers.  With there being no factored homeowners or tenants on the Factoring Commission, there is a clear democatic deficit that has to be rectified, otherwise the operations of the Factoring Commission will be nothing more than a sham.  This Campaign will continue to campaign for more democatic representation on this body.

At the same time, we went to this event to confront Jennifer Russell, Managing Director of Your Place (GHA Management Ltd.) on the issues of the 8% increase in factoring management fees and the introduction of standing orders for repairs.  True to form, she did not turn up and was not prepared to face the questions and criticisms of factored homeowners.  We, as a Campaign, will continue to campaign for the removal of standing orders for repairs and the reversal of the 8% increase in factoring management fees.

If you are a factored homeowner with any issues to do with Glasgow Housing Association, please come to our next meeting, which will be held on Thursday 27 September at 7 p.m. at the Jury Inn Hotel, Jamaica Street, Glasgow.